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© Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Varaždinu

Raymond Rojnik, Programska suradnja HNK u Varaždinu i Koncertnog ureda Varaždin

Raymond Rojnik

Cooperation between the Croatian National Theatre and the Varaždin Concert Office Regarding Programmes


The Varaždin Concert Office, a public institution in culture, has been operating for 28 years with the task of organizing musical and musical-stage events in the City of Varaždin, Varaždin County, and promoting the Varaždin cultural scene abroad. Given that the headquarters of the Varaždin Concert Office is in the building of the Croatian National Theatre, it is also logical to cooperate in the fields of musical and performing arts. The Office also takes care of instruments and equipment for performing arts. These are two Bösendorfer concert pianos, three harpsichords, the last of which was the first such instrument to be ordered and produced in Croatia, an organ positive and a series of sheet music, lighting fixtures, choir benches, chairs, projection screens and the like. Cooperation with the Croatian National Theatre is on three levels. The first program level is where we can talk about 150 joint concert and opera co-productions, some as part of the Varaždin Baroque Evenings, some as part of the concert season, such as the Varaždin Chamber Orchestra, the Varaždin Quartet, jazz, blues and rock. The second level of cooperation relates to logistical and technical cooperation, where the Concert Office uses the premises of the Varaždin Theatre and produced over 1,500 dance and music-scene programs in the building itself, while at the same time the Croatian National Theatre used the aforementioned instrumentation and equipment for its productions. The next level is the organization of commemoration ceremonies and protocol programs on behalf of the City, the County and the Republic of Croatia, as well as the programs of diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in the Republic of Croatia and many associations, institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc. These were programs such as celebrating the City Day, ceremonial sessions, Day of the County, New Year’s concerts, balls, forums, anniversaries, symposia and congresses. The Concert Office was also an intermediary between numerous domestic and foreign institutions that held and still hold their programs at the Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin. In recent years, the most significant co-productions have been in musical events, where significant names of the Croatian and European music scenes are brought together, and by joining the co-production of the Music School in Varaždin, the Croatian Opera Academy and other institutions, that musical life gains additional significance and value. The Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin has supported the Concert Office for almost three decades by providing excellent conditions for the organization of performance programs, which significantly enriched the cultural life of the City of Varaždin. The cooperation between the two institutions also enabled the development and operation of numerous orchestras, ensembles, associations and organizations in the field of music in the City of Varaždin. That part of the cooperation is the most valuable and will leave the deepest mark in culture, especially in music.